Things to note: the accents ARE getting harder to decode the further north we travel; the mini-egg breakfast is still made of a half dozen eggs (or perhaps ostrich eggs); and, exact directions don't exist here - we asked a man for directions to a particular restaurant last night and he made a spiral like motion with his finger in the air (think "wrap up" motion) and says, "I'd say it's a bit that way."
All good fun. Oh, and there's a string in the bathroom that you have to pull to turn the hot water on... let's not talk about how long it took me to figure that out... :)
Here are a few pictures from yesterday:
These are pictures of St. Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh. The pictures dont do it justice, of course. It was MASSIVE - if ever I've used that word to fully capture something, it's now. This picture doesnt even encompass the congregational pews - the seats you see on the side are the choir rungs, and yes, that's the altar........ wayyyyyy up there. Massive. Honestly.
And here are a few from our short walk around Perth last evening. Since Perth is closer to the water (the Tay River, not the sea), it's a bit more windy (read: chilly). No idea what this blind-folded hoola-hoop guy was doing, but I thought I'd join in the fun.
More later! We're off to explore Perth! Oh, and if you're interested... here's a link to a map showing you where exactly we are right now: Scotland Map Find Edinburgh and look just north for Perth.
I'm enjoying reading about your trip Jeanine! I've been thinking about y'all a lot since my little brother is in Scotland on a mission trip RIGHT NOW also! He's in the Haberdies Islands. (I have NO IDEA how to spell that or if I'm even close) Stay safe - enjoy yourself!! Love y'all!
Ang, I didnt know your brother was going to be here! I'll try to find those islands on a map and see if we're at all close - but I've learned that hings are NEVER spelled the way that they sound, here. Also, I cant wait to hear about your Disney trip!!
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